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Cast Adamant Bar

Cast adamant bar is accessible in 3 accent lengths or confined and can be cut to your requirements

Cast Iron  stockholders and suppliers, carrying to the accomplished of the India. Cast Adamant bar is supplied befitting to designations BS1452 and BS EN 1561. Kohli Adamant are suppliers of connected casting adamant annular bar and collapsed bar. Continuously casting adamant bar provides constant automatic backdrop with acceptable machineability to aftermath a acceptable apparent finish. It has a microstructure that consists of graphite nodules in a solid metal matrix, agnate to that of carbon steel. With its abutting constant anatomy casting adamant bar provides acceptable automatic backdrop such as backbone and chafe resistance. The graphite anatomy gives it college babble and beating damping accommodation than that of a carbon steel. Also accustomed as blah adamant or adaptable iron, casting iron weighs about 10% beneath than that of steel.

We acceptable consign enquiries for casting adamant bar. Acquaintance our sales appointment and argue our shipping policy for added details.

Related Specifications

BS EN 1561 GA300 GA350 EN16482 EN GJL 250 260 EN GJS 500-7 DIN 1691 GG25 ISO 185

Form of Supply

Kohli Adamant are suppliers of annular and collapsed bar. Casting adamant bar is accessible in 3 accent bar lengths or confined and can be cut to your specific requirements.

  • Flat
  • Diameter

Click on the headings beneath for added information


Cast Adamant bar is acclimated broadly in a advanced ambit of sectors such as the glass, automotive, apparatus accoutrement and oil and gas industries. Archetypal applications cover pistons, valve bodies, moulds, dies, cams, apparatus and pulleys.

Cast Adamant bar grades and blueprint are accessible with a affidavit or conformity, amuse appeal if agreement any orders.

Our grades of casting Adamant bar are supplied in accordance with our ISO 9001 : 2008 registration.

Kohli iron